
350: The Magic Number

I’ve arrived in time for a series of “350”events on the theme of reducing the world’s carbon emissions, whch included the underwater cabinet meeting shown on news channels around the world. There is some debate about whether this was a good thing. My personal view is that the tourism promotion was priceless, although others say no one will want to invest in resorts that might someday sink. Actually, the truth is somewhere in the middle. There was an excellent interview on TVM with a New Zealand scientist who presented evidence that the islands will shift, with some getting higher and some lower.
It’s going to be a tall order to make Maldives carbon neutral because getting here requires coming on a plane, getting around requires a gas-eating boat and much of the electricity is generated by fossil fuels. There are some experiements with solar and other alternatives, but unless tourists give up jumbo jets and start swimming here, or there is some alternative to gas guzzling boats, it’s hard to see how Maldives could reduce very much. Like Southern Californians who push mass transit… they seem to be in favor of it for everyone else.
Even Fed Ex arrives by boat!