
Video Coaching Podcast: Six Ways to Sunday

Talent Coach Terry Anzur interviewed on the podcast “Six Ways to Sunday.”

The Covid-19 pandemic has amplified the importance of effective on-camera storytelling. With all large gatherings facing possible restrictions due to health concerns, communicating through video messaging may be the best alternative for the moment. Faith leaders, accustomed to preaching in person to large congregations, must now engage their audience through online video.

TV/film producer and documentarian Craig D. Forrest is on a mission to improve faith-based outreach. His podcast — Six Ways to Sunday — is jam-packed with practical strategies for effective video production. He focuses on such things as camera and microphone placement to capture the viewers’ attention and make sure they hear every word. But once you’re set up to go live, then what?

International media producer Craig D. Forrest interviews talent coach Terry Anzur about on-camera storytelling and delivery for a series of Six Ways to Sunday podcasts.

Craig invited me to talk about on-camera storytelling, which is a natural fit with the faith-based community. After all, they’re sharing the greatest story ever told. Pastors “get it” when you remind them that Jesus taught his followers through parables; he told them a story. An effective live or recorded video presentation needs a well-defined story with a beginning, middle and end. Or, in other words: crisis conflict and resolution.

As a talent coach, I’ve worked with gifted preachers to adjust their delivery. Engaging the people in the back row of the church is not the same skillset as the more intimate conversation that takes place on-camera, where you are talking to your audience one person at a time. It’s also crucial to eliminate any visual or vocal distractions so that participants can focus on your message.

We’ll address all of these topics over the next four episodes. Download and listen now, and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. And please join me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more talent coaching tips.